Membership has its privileges.  CTA membership entitles you to participate in activities such as:

Valid Period:  Your annual membership ($75) is valid for the calendar year in which you purchase it until Dec 31 of that year.  Members joining between Oct 1 - Dec 31 pay a full membership which is extended through the following year.  A valid, current membership is required prior to registering for leagues and the in-house tournament.  Memberships must be renewed on Jan 1 of the following year if you wish to continue playing.

Site Access:  A CTA Board member will need to activate your membership before you can see the Restricted Access section and portions of the website. 

Terms of Membership:  By completing the member registration form and submitting payment, and by participating in CTA-sponsored events and activities, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age. You agree to hold harmless the Capital Tennis Association, Inc. (CTA) and its agents for any injuries (physical or otherwise) and loss or damage to personal property you may sustain during engagement of CTA-sponsored events and activities. Further, you agree to abide by CTA's Bylaws.

Membership Renewal: You can renew at any point but will start receiving renewal reminders at the end of the year. Login and select your profile at the top right of the page. Membership renewals run Jan 1 - Dec 31.


Annual Membership - $75.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Copyright 2023, Capital Tennis Association 

CTA is part of the Gay & Lesbian Tennis Alliance, the United States Tennis Association, and a member of Team DC. CTA is a 501(c)(4) organization and not a charitable organization. Any payment to CTA, including membership, league, and other participation fees, is not tax deductible.

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