Joining the Capital Tennis Association is the best way to get involved in the game and meet new people! CTA members participate in year-round leagues, socials, and tournaments. We also have a Hitting Partner Program that pairs new members with someone for practice and information about CTA.
CTA's membership period is from January-December and must be renewed annually. Membership is required to participate in activities that involve CTA using member funds and/or contracting with a venue, such as:
To become a CTA member, Join Today!
If you are already a member, make sure you are signed up on CTA's listservs.
Note: Any payment to CTA, as CTA is organized as a 501(c)(4) organization, is not tax deductible because CTA is not considered to be a charitable organization. This includes membership fees, league and other participation fees (e.g., drill sessions, ladders, CTA social events).