2022 Summer Season Part II
The 2022 summer Part II leagues kick off on Monday evening June 27, 2022 and end Sunday September 11, 2022. Full details and dates for each league can be found below.
Registration Schedule
East Potomac Tennis Center (Hains Point)
Only registered CTA members can join a league. Be sure to renew your membership for 2022!
Call for Coordinators
As always, our leagues cannot function without our amazing league coordinators. It's a great way to get more involved in CTA and meet fellow players. Please email Phil Scott (vpoperations@capital-tennis.org) if you are interested.
CTA is part of the Gay & Lesbian Tennis Alliance, the United States Tennis Association, and a member of Team DC. CTA is a 501(c)(4) organization and not a charitable organization. Any payment to CTA, including membership, league, and other participation fees, is not tax deductible.